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Nurture the talents of future musicians.
Do you have a deep love for music and a desire to share its transformative power with others? A music education degree is your calling! This unique program combines your passion for music with the art of teaching, allowing you to inspire the next generation of musicians while fostering a lifelong love for music.
The School of Music prepares students for Music Education (Choral) Grades EC-12 and Music Education (instrumental) Grades EC-12. The state standards are incorporated into the required curriculum. Students are introduced to a wide range of courses. Choral students will take courses in conducting, vocal pedagogy, keyboarding, harmony, computers in music, orchestration and music literature and history. Students pursuing Instrumental certification will take courses in the essentials of woodwinds, brass, percussion and string instruments. Students will also learn to conduct, orchestration, keyboarding, music literature and history. In today’s complex society, the need persists for the educated person to be aware of the arts. Discipline and sensitivity developed by the study of music provide an excellent background for students seeking teacher certification.
Through the study and application of philosophy, method, and practice, music education students are prepared for a vocation in the public school music classroom. By means of intensive classroom and ensemble experience, the department of music education provides students with skills necessary for professional competency.
Music Admissions, Auditions, & Scholarship Information
Music Education Requirements
Candidates for our Teacher Preparation Programs must meet certain requirements outlined in our Admission Requirements document.
Students must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program during their sophomore year or after completing 54 semester hours. Music education students not admitted to teaching preparation after completing 66 semester hours will most likely delay their graduation date. Music education majors must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 in all required music courses.
During the sophomore year (or before completing 54 semester hours), students should schedule an interview with the head of the music education department. Afterwards, students will be eligible to apply for the Teacher Education Program through the School of Education. All portions of the senior comprehensive exam, including the written music education portion, must be passed in order to take the Texas Credentialing exam for teacher certification.
Why Study Music Education at HSU?
Why Study Music Education at HSU?
Excellent Preparation
More than 95% of HSU’s teacher candidates pass the TExES exams on their first try.
Real Experience
Get hands-on experience in the classroom! Music Education majors spend the last semester of their senior year student teaching at local schools.
Senior Recital
Music Education majors show off their hard work with a half senior recital in their principal area.
Students who complete this degree will be eligible to take the Texas certification test for the certification Music EC-12. This certification leads to Music teaching positions in Early Childhood thru Grade 12 including Music classes, Band Director, Choir Director, Orchestra Director, Private Music Teacher, or Music Librarian.
“Hardin-Simmons has a choir camp every year, and I came to this choir camp for four years throughout high school. I just fell in love with the place.”
Serayah Peters

Program Details
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All courses and course descriptions for each degree type can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog:
B.M.A. Music Education (Choral concentration courses)
Major Requirements: Music Education (Choral) (25 credits)
- MUPC 1125/1126 Diction I and II
- MUSI 2125** Instrumental Perspectives
- MUSI 3122 Intro to Conducting
- MUSI 3223 Choral Conducting
- MUSI 3321 Music, Learning & Children
- MUSI 3322 Older Children & Music Learning
- MUSI 4321** Music for Adolescents
- MUPC 4321** Vocal Pedagogy
- MUEI or MUEV (upper level)
B.M.A. Music Education (Instrumental concentration courses)
Major Requirements: Music Education (Instrumental) (24 credits)
- MUSI 2121** Essentials of Woodwind Inst.
- MUSI 2122** Essentials of Brass Instruments
- MUSI 2123** Essentials of Percussion Inst.
- MUSI 2124** Essentials of String Instruments
- MUSI 2126** Vocal Perspectives
- MUSI 3122 Intro to Conducting
- MUSI 3224 Instrumental Conducting
- MUSI 3321 Music, Learning & Children
- MUSI 3322 Older Children & Music Learning
- MUSI 4321** Music for Adolescent
- MUEI or MUEV (upper level)
Accredited Program
The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) and Texas Education Agency (TEA) Office of Accountability has awarded Hardin-Simmons University Teacher Education Program a rating of “Accredited” under the Accountability System for Educator Preparation authorized by Texas Education Code 21.045 every year since the rating of teacher preparation entities has been awarded. Educator preparation programs are held accountable for the performance of their graduates on the state credentialing examinations required for certification. Programs must achieve a minimum pass rate on the tests by disaggregated subgroups (All, Male, Female, White, Hispanic, African American, Other) to receive a rating of “Accredited.”